Location: The Property is located in Semitropic Water Storage District (SWSD) at the northeast corner of the intersection of Lerdo Highway and Jumper Road in between Wildwood Road and Scofield Avenue less than seven (7) miles to the West of the City of Shafter in the County of Kern.
Description: The subject property consists of 502.15 +/- assessed acres of land with 481.00 +/- net planted acres of assorted aged almonds and open farmland; 406.00 +/- net acres is held fee title and 75.00 +/- net acres is held in a leasehold interest. This property consists of 100% Grade 2 – Good Soils and is located in the Groundwater Service Area of SWSD and irrigated via three wells with the capacity to receive intermittent in-lieu water supply through three separate turnouts.
Fee & Leasehold Interest: $3,500,000.00 ($6,970.02 per gross acre)